Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Woooooo for 2007! And another opportunity to write a list as my blog entry. Those are always my favorite. Resolutions:
1. Update my blog more often than once a month.
2. Apply obsessive tendencies only to cello...not to fruitless endeavors that shall remain nameless.
3. I would like to get through the Sevcik Op. 2 no. 4 book...that might take more than a year, but I'll say that I'd like to do at least 2 bowings a week out of that book.
4. Practice my double stop scales, in high and low positions, every day...see what a good job I'm doing with #2 already?
5. Continue to be a devoted daughter, sister, friend, etc.

Wow, most boring resolutions ever. I guess I'm less than enthusiastic about resolutions, because they often are the worst kind of wish. Did you know there are different kinds of wishes? I think there are three kinds (yes, another list):

1. Harmless wishes that are really just for personal amusement. Examples include wishing Falkor was real, wishing it would rain Cherry Kool-Aid, wishing for a magical machine that would make any kind of food you want instantly.
2. Abstract wishes that don't really have any bearing on the immediate present. Such as wishing for world peace, wishing to one day have children, wishing to win the lottery.
3. The worst kind - wishing that things in your current life, that are in your immediate control, were different. Like wishing that you lived somewhere else, wishing you had a girlfriend or boyfriend when you don't, wishing you had a better job.

The third kind are horrible. If you wish for something, you basically are saying that it could only come true through some divine intervention, and that you could never do it on your own. If you do that, then it absolutely will NOT come true, because we all know that if you want something, you have to go get it for yourself. Not that it is that simple, but if you always just wish for something, you are ignoring the actual logistics of your life that are in the way. Or, you are ignoring some part of yourself that is causing the perceived problem, which means you're focusing on the symptom rather than the true cause.

I sometimes catch myself thinking that I would like to have gone away to school, or that I wish I weren't living with my parents. Then I remind myself of what my life would really be like for those things to be true. I would have massive student loan debt and other bills, meaning I would have to have a full-time job, meaning that I would have no time to practice, meaning that I would probably quit music. Whoa! Suddenly my current life is fantastic, in comparison to that scenario. And now I'm happy! Instead of wistfully wishing things were different.

So instead of making flowerly resolutions that I think will completely change my life, I'll stick with a list of mundane goals, just to keep me focused.


At 8:48 PM, Blogger Johnny said...

I too wish that I had went away to school, but realize that I would've had to come home before I was even through with my first semester( Family needed me), so it wouldn't have went well either.

Kudos on updating your blog!

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Kyle said...

I wish that you would play a show in Madison. And I wish that you someday will love to play indie rock music and fill my ear with clever cello covers.

At 4:52 AM, Blogger courtney said...

so i definitely read "mundane goats" instead of "mundane goals." i know nothing keeps me more focused than a herd (pack? gaggle? pride? consortium???)of mundane goats.

At 8:11 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

weeeeeeeird, practicing my double stop scales in high and low positions is one of MY 2007 resolutions too!

that, and to get to "expert" level on guitar hero. see you tonight!!

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Regarding your comment on my blog:

The Draw Squad, also known as the Imagination Station, was in my childhood and still is a drawing show on PBS by Mark Kistler. Or maybe the fans are called the Draw Squad, and the show is the Imagination Station. Or maybe the Imagination Station was just the studio. Anyway...Learn to draw in 3D! I have a book and a VHS.

Mark Kistler was my childhood hero.

Fans of the show know taglines such as "yeeeeeeah" (said with a thumbs up, pulling the hand from left to right in slow motion), "art attack!" (normally said while drawing action lines), and the shading song (sung, of course, while shading).


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